Numbers 66-112

66. MacNeill/McSporran

Erected by John McNeill and Susanna McSporran his wife in memory of their beloved daughter Susanna who died 10th Jul 1870 aged 4 years.

67. MacNeill/McDonald

Erected by her beloved mother Margaret McDonald McNeill in affectionate remembrance of her daughter Catherine McNeill who died at Achnaha, Gigha 9th Aug 1887 age 32 years.

68. McNeill

In loving remembrance of the Rev. Archibald McNeill who died at Gigha 1st Nov 1880 aged 40 years.  He was minister of Sleat Skye 10 years. This stone is erected by his affectionate mother Margaret McNeill.

69. McDonald


  1. By Malcolm McDonald, mariner, in memory of his daughter Barbara who died 31st Mar 1862 aged 3 years.

69B. McNeill

70. Curdie

Sacred to the memory  of the Revd. James Curdie D.D. rector of St. Anne’s Jamaica who died on the 3rd of Septr 1839 aged 80 years.

71. Curdie

Sacred to the memory of the Revd. James Curdie A.M. minister of Gigha and Cara for upwards of 50 years who died 16th May 1877 aged 86 years.

72. Enclosed area. Some slabs here. One has a relief of a warrior on it and is said to be Malcolm McNeill’s grave. Malcolm “of Geya” died in 1493.

73. Johnston/McDonald

Erected by John Johnston and his brothers in memory of their father John Johnston who died 10th Jun 1867 aged 61 years. Also Betsy McDonald (wife of the above John Johnston) who died 27th Apr 1881 aged 35 years. Also their sister Christina Johnston who died 27th Nov 1871 aged 22 years.


74. Smith

Erected by James Smith in loving memory of his brother Hector Smith, Master Mariner, who died 10th May 1895 in his 63rd year. Sister Sarah who died 17th Mar 1900 in her 64th year. His brother Malcolm who died 30th Jun 1900 in his 63rd year. All died at North Ardminish. His sister Margaret who died 28th Apr 1908 in her 69th year. The above James Smith died 9th July 1914 aged 70 years.

75. Fallen, possibly Smith

76. Possibly a millers stone.

77. MacFarlane


Don McFarlane schoolman, Gigha who died 17th Nov 1792.

An honest man and a sincere Christian.

77B. Simpson

This is the burial place of the Reverend  Neil Simpson of Gigha who departed his life aged  ? years and his children.

78. Enclosed area - stones missing from wall.

79. Gillies/Blue

Erected by Hugh Gillies, Beallochroy in memory of his wife Mary Blue who died 22nd Dec 1847 aged 53 years.

79B. McGougan/Galbreath

This is the burial place of John McGougan tenant Ardminish and his spouse and baby Galbreath - 1784.

79C. Archibald

80. Blue/Galbreath

Erected by Isabella Galbreath, Ardelay in memory of her son Malcolm Blue who was drowned on the 15th May 1825 aged 23 years.

81. Blue


of Donald Blue, the miller in Ardelay who died April 1778 aged 69 years and of Merran McNeill his wife who died September 1758 aged 46 years.

82. Too worn to read.

83. Galbreath

Erected to the memory of Margaret Galbreath who died Nov 1794 aged 18 years by Donald Galbreath, shoemaker in Shansriach.

84. Galbreath

Erected by Donald Galbreath tenant in Leam in memory of his father Donald Galbreath who died Nov 2[4] 1794 aged 80. This is the place intended for the family, 1803.

85. McInnes/McGinnis

Erected by Archibald McGinnis to the memory of John McInnes, tenant in Leim who died 29th Sep 1794 in the 81 year of his age.

85B. McGnnis/McInnish

To the memory …….rest too worn to read.

86. Too worn to read.

87. Too worn to read.

88. Smith/McNeill/Clark

Erected by Archibald Smith, Farmer Cairnvickoye, and Barbara McNeill his wife. In memory of their children Flora died 6th Mar 1842 aged 31 years, Donald died 4th Jan 1843 aged 16 years, Catherine died 25th Mar 1845 age 27 years. The above Archibald Smith died 15th Sept 1850 aged 70 years Barbara McNeill his wife died 30th March 1862 aged 71 years.

(Other side of the stone)

Their grandson Archibald Clark died 1st August 1873 aged 34 years. Also their family Margaret Smith died 17th August 1891 aged 72 years. James Smith died 21st February 1897 aged 80 years. Mary Smith died 7th January 1907 aged 82 years.

89. MacNeill/McGougan

Sacred to the memory of Janet MacNeill who died at Ardminish,  September 18th 1879 aged 70 years and Sarah MacNeill who died at Campbeltown,  February 1st 1859 aged 67.  Daughters of the deceased Murdoch MacNeill, Farmer at Keill and Catherine McGougan his wife.

90. McNeil/Galbreath/McGughan


Malcolm McNeil tenant in Ardmeanish who died Nov 1788 and Barbara Galbreath his wife who died Sep 1772. Erected by Murdach McNeil and his spouse Cath McGughan tenant in Garvacha.

91. Galbreath/McQuilkan

In memory ……. McQuilkan, tenant Leim,  who died the 9th Dec 17[ ]2 and _______________Galbreath_______ unreadable………who died aged…..

92. Inside church ruin.


Erected by Donald, Lachlan & Archibald McNeill in memory of their father Malcolm McNeill who died at Drumyonebeg, Gigha 14th Jul 1855 aged 74 years.

92B. Ornate slab

93. Inside church ruinGalbraith

Erected by Lachlan Galbraith in memory of his father Adam Galbraith who died December 25th 1848 aged [84] years. His mother Flora Galbraith who died November 27th 1856 aged 83 years. Their son John who was drowned ___18th 1823 aged [25] years. The above Lauchlan Galbraith who died June 18th 1875 aged 63 years.

94. Inside church ruin. Galbraith/McQuilkan

Erected by Euphemia Galbraith.

To the memory of her father John Galbraith, farmer Drumyeonbeg who died 25th Aug 1876 aged 76 years. Her mother Effie McQuilkan died 11th May 1890 aged 78 years. Her brother Malcolm Galbraith died 20th Sep 1897 aged 52 years. Her sister Sarah Galbraith died 22nd Jan 1899 aged 60 years. Also her niece Violet Galbraith died 4th Aug 1892 aged 10 years. The above Euphemia Galbraith died 9th March 1926 aged 75 years.

95. Slabs inside church ruin. Most of the slabs here are unreadable except the following one. McDonald

Erected to the memory of Archibald McDonald late tenant in Tarbert who died 28th July 1831 aged 56 years, by his widow and their sons John Donald, Archibald Alexander and Allan McDonald.

96. McDougall/Graham

Erected by Catherine Graham in memory of her father Neill Graham who was drowned in Campbeltown Harbour and her mother Janet McDougall died 18th June 1891 age 62. Her sister Isabella died aged 10 months.

97. MacLachlan/Graham

John MacLachlan who died 7th May 1925 aged 63. Jessie MacLachlan died 16th Jan 1922 age 29. Mary Graham wife of the above John MacLachlan died 12th May 1942 aged 80 years.

98. Duncan/McDonald

Erected by Sarah Duncan in memory of her husband John MacDonald who died at “Leim” Gigha 19th Oct 1926 aged 73 years. Her sons Duncan who died at Campbeltown 16th May 1914 aged 24 years. James who died at ‘Leim’ Gigha 6th May 1926 aged 24 years. The above Sarah Duncan died 3rd July 1940 aged 77 years.

99. MacDonald

Erected by Dugald, Archibald, Duncan and Neil MacDonald in memory of their father John MacDonald late Weaver of Ardelay who died on the 15th June 1831 aged [68] years.

100. Galbreath

Erected by Donald, Neil, Malcolm & Lachlen Galbreath in memory of their father Lachlen Galbreath who died AD 1836 aged 76 years.

101. Smith


Malcolm Smith son to Peter Smith & Mary McNeill in Tarbert, who died - ——— 17[8/90]). Aged 28 years.

101B. Buchanan/Smith

Erected by Dugald Buchanan, sailor, in memory of Magt. Smith his spouse who died 28th Nov 1759 aged [69] years.

102. Smith/MacGougan

Erected by Peter Smith in loving memory of his father Peter Smith, shipmaster who died at Campbeltown 23rd Apr 1860 aged 56 years and his mother Janet MacGougan died 1st May 1871 aged 60 years. Also his sister Betsy died 19th April 1853 aged 18 years and his brother Angus died 3rd Feb 1856 aged 6 years. Also his grandfather Donald Smith died at Ardminish 10th June1807 aged 56 (Son of Padruig oc. Balour). Marion Smith his wife died Ardminish 1st August 1848 aged 84.

103. Smith/MacNeill

Erected by Arch.d Smith, Schoolmaster, Greenock in memory of his Father and Mother John Smith and Catherine MacNeill. His father died on the 28th day of July 1827 age 70 years and his mother on the 7th day of February 1825 age 68 years.

104. Bell/McKenzie

Erected by Dugald Bell, shepherd in Cara in memory of his wife Mary McKenzie who died Aug 1833 aged 40 years.

105. Galbraith/Henderson

Erected by Margaret Galbraith in memory of her husband Archibald Henderson who died 28th May 1852 aged 54 years and her daughters Elizabeth died 28th December 1842 aged 9 years Mary died 31st October 1850 aged 11 years.

106. Henderson/MacConachy

Erected by Donald, Arch, Hugh, John & Neil Henderson in memory of their father Duncan Henderson seaman, Gigha who died 12th Feb 1825 aged 59 years.  This is the place designed for his widow Mary MacConachy who died ——- 1830 aged [66]. And their family.

107. McLellan/Galbreath

Here leys the remains of Ann McLellan spowse to Peter Galbreath, tenant at Drumyonbeg, who departed his life December 25th 1812 aged 55 years. This is the place intended for their family.

108. Galbraith

In memory of Neil Galbraith & Catherine Galbraith his beloved wife also

109. McSporran/Montgomery

Erected by Malcolm McSporran, farmer, Auchamore and Janet Montgomery his wife in memory of their beloved daughter Catherine McSporran who died Dec 3rd 1868 aged 1 year and 6 months.  David McSporran died March 15th 1885 aged 78 years.

110. Stuart/Allpress

Erected by John Stuart, farmer, Tarbert, Gigha and Susannah Allpress his wife in memory of their beloved children. Charles died 27th June 1865 aged 11 months, Thomas died 4th Jul 1865 aged 1 year and 3 months, Lydia died 4th Jul 1865 aged 6 years, John died 9th Jul 1865 aged 2 years and 9 months.

111. Clark/McNeill

Erected by Jane Clark in loving memory of her husband Malcolm McNeill who died 16th Sep1892 aged 46, and their children Malcolm who died 5th Feb 1904 aged 28, Archibald, John, Marion, Katie, Janet and Mary who died in infancy. The above Jane McNeill died 14th Dec 1925 in her 75th year.  Also their daughters Jane Clark McNeill died 14th Dec 1958 aged 74 years. Margaret McNeill died 24th October 1959 aged 80 years. With Christ which is far better.

112. Scarlett

The northernmost of the two reads:

Sacred to the memory of Henrietta Katherine the beloved wife of Lieut Colonel W J Scarlett of Gigha who died at Limecraigs Campbeltown on the 10th of February 1885 in her 37th year & is buried here.

Also in memory of Charlotte Anne their eldest daughter who died on March 18th 1886 in the 18th year of her age & is buried at Rossington in Yorkshire.

The southernmost of the two reads:

Sacred to the memory of Lieut Colonel William James Scarlett of Gigha and the 6th Brigade Scottish Division Royal Artillery who died in London on 31st day of July 1888 in his 49th year & is buried here.

(Transcription added later after Rona’s initial survey)



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